martes, 26 de junio de 2012

After hours and hours of working on this I finally finished! I am pretty content on how it came out. I feel like I achieved the atmosphere I had envisioned although I could have done better in some parts, but I'll worry about that some other time.
I did lose track of where the lighting was and then decided to do whatever looked best.. But one day I will do proper lighting!!

sábado, 23 de junio de 2012

some doodles i did today
i just realised that the second ones anatomy looks really off, that or the fur thing is fucking with me........

domingo, 17 de junio de 2012

I started this a while ago, I think in May? So this took a while to get done. Probably one of the obstacles that came up was the placement of the hand, which people pointed out looked broken in another version I posted up. So I fixed it and now it looks better! and more correct.... Then probably the biggest challenge was to make a convincing background since I found that with just the leaves it looked artificial... I'm still not convinced but it might be the best thing I could do with my limited background skills.
So Bastion! I love Bastion, I loved the characters, story, gameplay, music, UGHH everything~!! And so yeah, I will most likely do other characters too because ZULF and their designs are so fucking lovely.

lunes, 11 de junio de 2012

Final for drawing class...

This is only a small part of my final for drawing class. The whole thing is on Bristol board measuring 20x33 in. and features an owl! But again my photos did not come out as well as I wanted them to, so maybe in the future I'll photograph them again... If I remember.
I was being really efficient with my time that was given to us for this thing.... ahahaha .... not. I started this 2 hours before it was due and boy was that fucking horrible... I was under pressure to finish this in time while making it look like I put effort into this. It paid off during critique when people said they loved how I came up with this character and the ambiguity of gender... which was not intentional but whatevs apparently I can't draw men.. even now... sighhhh

More from my painting class.

The prompt for this painting was to take a photograph of a person and to grid it and translate it to canvas. All was going well until the neck, which I have made too long! I was going to try to fix it but then I realized it would look weird and disproportionate so I didn't. Oh, yeah, the photo I used was a cut out from Vogue featuring Scarlett Johannson?? Yeah I don't know how to spell her freaking name...
But I had so much fun painting this, since it was a break from the normal stylized stuff I would paint. But I am guilty of stylizing this, I guess I couldn't help it...

Another shot of the painting. As much as I had fun doing this I didn't love the whole thing only segments... And all the photos I took looked pretty bad. So, yeah!

From my painting class...

This is the final painting I had to do for this class, our prompt was to choose a black and white photo and then to find a Renaissance painter in which our painting would be based off of in terms of composition and color. He also wanted us to make a connection between photo and painting but since he had me change my reference painting I didn't do it... hHahhaah...
I wanted to do something I would enjoy so I chose owls. We used a new painting technique for this painting, called glazing. It was interesting to work with glazing!!! It was slow but I liked the results. 

close-up of an owl.. You can still see the grid from underneath... It occurred to me only after I finished the underpainting that maybe I should have painted in the gessoed areas with more white to at least cover up the grid... But only after I do things do I come up with solutions...