viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012


I've had this one sitting in my sketchbook for a while now, I think I drew this when the young Condense was introduced. Character is from Homestuck.

Finally got my moleskine back!

SPRING BREAK!!! Finished my only final this morning and now I can officially start enjoying spring break!! yeah! Anyway, have some sketches!

This moleskine I used for a class and the T.A. took it to grade and I just got it back today. I probably should have taken photos before but I forgot... Yeah, these are a little old, about 2-4 weeks. First one is one of my characters, Emiliano, whom I've really liked drawing lately. The second was supposed to be Bastion fan art that I haven't fleshed out as much as I would have liked. This one is pretty high on my priorities list to do this spring break. Although I gotta make him look tougher 'cuz that kid is bad-ass.

martes, 20 de marzo de 2012


Mire un dibujo de Rin en pixiv y me acuerde cuanto me gusto su personalidad en el anime.
I really dislike it how my drawings come out much better when I'm supposed to be doing important things....


I had a dream today and in it there were people that could fly and their whole looks were influenced by owls. The one that stuck to me the most was what I ended up drawing here, a tall model-like woman who had wings of a Barn Owl, and a gorgeous color scheme. Ese sueño estuvo loco.
Also! First post here! It's to replace my deviantart and soon my art tumblr.
I'll be posting sketches I do and even full paintings.