jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2012

was in a slump for about a week in a half or so. yesterday i managed to draw something i didn't hate with such a fury and was really excited for the next day since i felt like i was getting back in the flow. but it's really dumb how delicate that flow is and how it can be easliy ruptured by negative emotions. anyway, enough of the vagueness.
maybe i'll draw something today.
fuck boys and emotions.

miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

oh i wanted to redo an old painting i did a couple of years ago of a d.gray-man character
but it didn't end well and gave up on it. i came to the realisation that i did not like the way i painted and drew hair so i am taking it upon myself to learn a different way to do this. i haven't actually started yet as i have some things in the way but

jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012

oh dang. new art. i told myself i would try to produce more art more frequently but some days i don't feel in the mood to do anything so yeah.
ok no real backstory to this one, just something self-indulgent since i felt like i was trying hard to break away from what i usually do that i was starting to lose interest in art. so yeah, i really like painting stuff like this. ok bye

domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

4 ver. because indecisive

actually more like posting up all 4 versions of this because i love them all equally, but in the end decided that the last one would be the version i would write my name on. BUT WOW seriously this took a really long time. ok not that long more like 2-3 weeks... mostly because OF THE HAIR there was so much of it and i did not want to slack off on it so yeah. and also the blood, it probably doesnt even look like blood more like ketchup. yo yous got ketchup on your face. and yeah that's supposed to be a hole in her stomach it looked more legit in the original sprite edit and now it doesnt look as creepy.
wtfstuck is my favorite AU and i really love the sprite edits and they are legitimately creepy as fuck but yeah they are really awsome.
Aradia is my bias though. i can always draw aradia. she da best, man.
yeah ok

lunes, 23 de julio de 2012

el cazador

Finally got around to doing a painting! Did not end up being what I had wanted so I cropped part of it. But I am content with what was left. This summer I'm trying to find what I really love to paint/draw but so far it's sort of lead me to dead ends. but I have time.

sábado, 21 de julio de 2012

both of these are from a moleskine i've been using recently. i wanted to experiment with bold colors and patterns, but the first one is more of what i wanted but the second one is my favorite. the character was designed using a monster-girl generator and the result i got was oni girl with avant garde fashion sense. the design has stuck to me as the horned guy from my previous post has too. i hope to depict them in more serious work later in the summer. 

just a page i really liked from a sketchbook i finished recently

martes, 26 de junio de 2012

After hours and hours of working on this I finally finished! I am pretty content on how it came out. I feel like I achieved the atmosphere I had envisioned although I could have done better in some parts, but I'll worry about that some other time.
I did lose track of where the lighting was and then decided to do whatever looked best.. But one day I will do proper lighting!!

sábado, 23 de junio de 2012

some doodles i did today
i just realised that the second ones anatomy looks really off, that or the fur thing is fucking with me........

domingo, 17 de junio de 2012

I started this a while ago, I think in May? So this took a while to get done. Probably one of the obstacles that came up was the placement of the hand, which people pointed out looked broken in another version I posted up. So I fixed it and now it looks better! and more correct.... Then probably the biggest challenge was to make a convincing background since I found that with just the leaves it looked artificial... I'm still not convinced but it might be the best thing I could do with my limited background skills.
So Bastion! I love Bastion, I loved the characters, story, gameplay, music, UGHH everything~!! And so yeah, I will most likely do other characters too because ZULF and their designs are so fucking lovely.

lunes, 11 de junio de 2012

Final for drawing class...

This is only a small part of my final for drawing class. The whole thing is on Bristol board measuring 20x33 in. and features an owl! But again my photos did not come out as well as I wanted them to, so maybe in the future I'll photograph them again... If I remember.
I was being really efficient with my time that was given to us for this thing.... ahahaha .... not. I started this 2 hours before it was due and boy was that fucking horrible... I was under pressure to finish this in time while making it look like I put effort into this. It paid off during critique when people said they loved how I came up with this character and the ambiguity of gender... which was not intentional but whatevs apparently I can't draw men.. even now... sighhhh

More from my painting class.

The prompt for this painting was to take a photograph of a person and to grid it and translate it to canvas. All was going well until the neck, which I have made too long! I was going to try to fix it but then I realized it would look weird and disproportionate so I didn't. Oh, yeah, the photo I used was a cut out from Vogue featuring Scarlett Johannson?? Yeah I don't know how to spell her freaking name...
But I had so much fun painting this, since it was a break from the normal stylized stuff I would paint. But I am guilty of stylizing this, I guess I couldn't help it...

Another shot of the painting. As much as I had fun doing this I didn't love the whole thing only segments... And all the photos I took looked pretty bad. So, yeah!

From my painting class...

This is the final painting I had to do for this class, our prompt was to choose a black and white photo and then to find a Renaissance painter in which our painting would be based off of in terms of composition and color. He also wanted us to make a connection between photo and painting but since he had me change my reference painting I didn't do it... hHahhaah...
I wanted to do something I would enjoy so I chose owls. We used a new painting technique for this painting, called glazing. It was interesting to work with glazing!!! It was slow but I liked the results. 

close-up of an owl.. You can still see the grid from underneath... It occurred to me only after I finished the underpainting that maybe I should have painted in the gessoed areas with more white to at least cover up the grid... But only after I do things do I come up with solutions... 

domingo, 27 de mayo de 2012

today was a pretty slow day. yesterday there was no electricity nor internet but spent the whole day reading until it got dark and went to sleep pretty early... I was going to color this but I'm not in the mood right now and I don't want to force myself to paint and then have a painting I hate in the end... so yeah
meenah from homestuck! god i love her character

viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012

maid of time

Missed drawing Homestucks so I drew GT Aradia because she is my favorite! First time filling up a spread in my moleskine! the 'made of time' was a last minute addition and now I regret having drawn it on........... also messing around with negative spaces and killing myself with meticulous filling in of parts.........

martes, 22 de mayo de 2012

some fanart

of the Cowboy Bebop movie that I saw earlier today! I messed around with textures I had and I ended up with 4 versions, of those 4 I chose 2 and I can't chose 1. This was done on 1 layer! yay painting class is paying off!!! I also had a different method of choosing colors where I changed the color picker options and had it on RGB.
And yeah, the movie was INCREDIBLE! The animation was so freaking good too, and like all the shots were just pleasing compositionally and gdasfdllkjfd;afdlka good movie
I think this was.... 4-5 hours...

domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012

This has been a composition that I have had in mind for years after seeing a photograph of a prominent politician standing against a dark wooden door and lighting coming in from the top giving him an powerful look. Of course at the time I saw it I was not confident in my lighting skills. Not sure if it will work out even where I am now but we will see!! I am incredibly excited to get started on this! Ah, I just noticed its facing the wrong way.... will fix that once I get started on it.

sábado, 19 de mayo de 2012


These are some sketches I've done recently. The one on the bottom I just finished right now, instead of going to sleep I decided to doodle something. The one above is a more refined sketch of the mer-people I did in the last entry. I feel better about this one than the last one I did so I will for sure use this as the reference in designing stuff. The one on the bottom was influenced by this photograph I saw on tumblr of a wiglet made out of feathers and I really liked the texture and shapes of the wiglet and wanted to use it in a drawing. The lines probably took longer than sketching out the profile did.... hahaha

miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012

more things I've been working on

This is something I did for a club I'm in. I kind of don't want to disclose what they are for but I do hope they are accepted! I do plan on photographing some of my homeworks and in-class assignments I've done for my classes but I think I'll wait until maybe the end of the quarter? Ah, we will see.

ya hace mucho tiempo...

since the last time I've drawn... A practice with painting on one layer... I couldn't get the nose to look right....

miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012

sin titulo

After several days of not drawing in my style is really unforgiving! I had to practice drawing normal things to get back into the groove. Drew this to practice anatomy, after taking a photograph I noticed all the disproportions...... Just means I'll have to practice more! 

viernes, 13 de abril de 2012


Something I did for Homestuck's 3rd anniversary! Had a hard time with this one as I wanted to break from my usual routine of colouring and decided to work in desaturated colours. It was an interesting experience and I'll probably have to practice more to be able to use them better. But for now....

miércoles, 4 de abril de 2012


a little doodle i did today using a color scheme i found. sort of getting back into digitals, and i guess this can count as a warm-up.

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012


I've had this one sitting in my sketchbook for a while now, I think I drew this when the young Condense was introduced. Character is from Homestuck.

Finally got my moleskine back!

SPRING BREAK!!! Finished my only final this morning and now I can officially start enjoying spring break!! yeah! Anyway, have some sketches!

This moleskine I used for a class and the T.A. took it to grade and I just got it back today. I probably should have taken photos before but I forgot... Yeah, these are a little old, about 2-4 weeks. First one is one of my characters, Emiliano, whom I've really liked drawing lately. The second was supposed to be Bastion fan art that I haven't fleshed out as much as I would have liked. This one is pretty high on my priorities list to do this spring break. Although I gotta make him look tougher 'cuz that kid is bad-ass.

martes, 20 de marzo de 2012


Mire un dibujo de Rin en pixiv y me acuerde cuanto me gusto su personalidad en el anime.
I really dislike it how my drawings come out much better when I'm supposed to be doing important things....


I had a dream today and in it there were people that could fly and their whole looks were influenced by owls. The one that stuck to me the most was what I ended up drawing here, a tall model-like woman who had wings of a Barn Owl, and a gorgeous color scheme. Ese sueño estuvo loco.
Also! First post here! It's to replace my deviantart and soon my art tumblr.
I'll be posting sketches I do and even full paintings.