domingo, 27 de mayo de 2012

today was a pretty slow day. yesterday there was no electricity nor internet but spent the whole day reading until it got dark and went to sleep pretty early... I was going to color this but I'm not in the mood right now and I don't want to force myself to paint and then have a painting I hate in the end... so yeah
meenah from homestuck! god i love her character

viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012

maid of time

Missed drawing Homestucks so I drew GT Aradia because she is my favorite! First time filling up a spread in my moleskine! the 'made of time' was a last minute addition and now I regret having drawn it on........... also messing around with negative spaces and killing myself with meticulous filling in of parts.........

martes, 22 de mayo de 2012

some fanart

of the Cowboy Bebop movie that I saw earlier today! I messed around with textures I had and I ended up with 4 versions, of those 4 I chose 2 and I can't chose 1. This was done on 1 layer! yay painting class is paying off!!! I also had a different method of choosing colors where I changed the color picker options and had it on RGB.
And yeah, the movie was INCREDIBLE! The animation was so freaking good too, and like all the shots were just pleasing compositionally and gdasfdllkjfd;afdlka good movie
I think this was.... 4-5 hours...

domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012

This has been a composition that I have had in mind for years after seeing a photograph of a prominent politician standing against a dark wooden door and lighting coming in from the top giving him an powerful look. Of course at the time I saw it I was not confident in my lighting skills. Not sure if it will work out even where I am now but we will see!! I am incredibly excited to get started on this! Ah, I just noticed its facing the wrong way.... will fix that once I get started on it.

sábado, 19 de mayo de 2012


These are some sketches I've done recently. The one on the bottom I just finished right now, instead of going to sleep I decided to doodle something. The one above is a more refined sketch of the mer-people I did in the last entry. I feel better about this one than the last one I did so I will for sure use this as the reference in designing stuff. The one on the bottom was influenced by this photograph I saw on tumblr of a wiglet made out of feathers and I really liked the texture and shapes of the wiglet and wanted to use it in a drawing. The lines probably took longer than sketching out the profile did.... hahaha

miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012

more things I've been working on

This is something I did for a club I'm in. I kind of don't want to disclose what they are for but I do hope they are accepted! I do plan on photographing some of my homeworks and in-class assignments I've done for my classes but I think I'll wait until maybe the end of the quarter? Ah, we will see.

ya hace mucho tiempo...

since the last time I've drawn... A practice with painting on one layer... I couldn't get the nose to look right....